Adult Ministries
Sunday School & Bible Study
Bible study is one of the most important ministries of the church, and we offer several opportunities weekly and monthly. These include Adult Sunday School and the CEO Group, Celebrating Each Other, a multi-age group, which meets at 10 AM Sundays.
Fellowship Coffee & Brunch and Dinners
At various times on Wednesday evenings and Sundays following worship, the church family gathers for a fellowship meal. In addition, we celebrate with food at several other points during the year, and our annual song service is always followed by an ice cream social, with homemade ice cream! Each Sunday morning at 9:30 A.M., a fellowship brunch and coffee are available.
Senior Ministries
Seniors from our church and throughout the community gather each month to share life together and enjoy area attractions.
Arthritis Exercise Class
This program meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Designed by doctors and promoted by the Arthritis Foundation of America, our Arthritis Exercise Class helps those with joint and/or muscle problems through exercise designed to improve mobility, muscle strength, and endurance. A Pickleball Group also gathers for exercise weekly.
Youth and Preschool, Nursery, and other Children’s Ministries
Sunday School for all ages from nursery through high school is available each week. During the 11:00 A.M. worship service, a Children’s Moment is provided each Sunday. Also, Children’s Church is available for children ages 4-12.